Essential Service Business Providers are still Open for Business at Kensington Village
Kensington Village management and store owners are closely monitoring the Covid-19 situation within the local community along with Government and registered Health Authority Advice.
With reference to recent announcements by the Australian Prime Minister, selected essential stores and businesses at Kensington Village remain open. Please visit the Australian Government Department of Health website directly for official information on the latest updates for the general public and business. Please phone your local Kensington Village store directly to confirm if they’re currently operating or temporarily closed.

For the health and wellbeing of our visitors and staff at Kensington Village, we politely ask that any individuals that have any cold/flu like symptoms to please refrain from entering the premises. Please request assistance from Friends or Family for essential products if required.
Anyone that has recently travelled internationally or has come into close contact with individuals that are known to have tested positive for Corona Virus (Covid-19) is required to self-isolate in accordance to the 14 day mandatory self-quarantine requirements set by the Australian Federal Government.
What we are doing at Kensington Village to help
Center Management, Store Owners and their Staff will continue to take the necessary precautions to protect the safety, health, and wellbeing of our customers. We aim to implement diligent hygienic protocols for retailers and people whilst delivering the essential services local communities require everyday.
We are operating cautiously to help minimize the effects of the Coronavirus. Our team are increasing the efforts in aiming to promote healthy personal hygiene measures. Store owners have been informed to:
- Hand sanitizer provided upon entry. Some stores & facilities may provide their own to customers.
- Store owners have been advised to regularly clean commonly contacted surfaces within their premises.
- Store owners have been advised for staff to thoroughly wash hands with anti-bacterial soap.
- Staff that appear to have symptoms of illness are being politely asked to stay home.
- Maintain the recommended distancing between people
- If in the unfortunate circumstance where a staff or patient has contracted Covid-19, we will abide to Government and Health body procedures and guidelines where necessary.
Further information
If you require additional health information please refer to your Doctor, or 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84), or the Australian Government Department of Health homepage at