To protect the health of Queenslanders, from 6pm AEST 29 June 2021 to 6pm 2 July 2021, areas in South East Queensland, Townsville (including Magnetic Island) and Palm Island will be subject to new restrictions.
Essential health and retail stores remain open at Kensington Village.

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Businesses and events
The following businesses and activities in the impacted areas must close during the lockdown period unless an exception applies:
- Retail food services including pubs, restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets except for takeaway and home delivery services
- Entertainment facilities such as theatres, cinemas, music halls and concert halls
- Major sports stadiums convention centres and showgrounds
- Indoor and outdoor events such as marathons, cultural festivals, fetes, expos
- Theme parks, outdoor amusement parks, tourism experiences and arcades
- Zoos, aquariums and wildlife centres, except to provide maintenance and care for animals
- Hairdressers
- Amusement centres such as places to play billiards, pool, pinball machines or video games
- Gyms, health clubs, fitness centres, yoga, barre, spin facilities and dance studios
- Indoor sporting centres and venues
- Public playgrounds, skateparks, BMX tracks and outside gyms including static exercise equipment in Council parks
- Public barbeques such as barbeques in public spaces or shared facilities
- Places of public worship, except for weddings and funerals in line with the person limits. Religious ceremonies may be livestreamed.
- Spas, nail salons, hairdressers, beauty salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlours, non-therapeutic massage and water-based spa services
- Massage parlours unless providing massage therapy for the management or prevention of disease, injury or condition by a registered health practitioner or qualified massage therapist
- Auction houses
- Betting agencies and gaming lounges
- Casinos, gaming or gambling venues, including wagering outlets that are accessible by members of the public
- Markets, except for food and farmers markets
- Galleries, museums and libraries
- Community facilities, such as community halls excluding the provision of hosting essential voluntary or public services such as foodbanks and homeless services
- Sex on premises services, sex services premises and strip clubs
- Public swimming pools (apartment/body corporate complex pools can stay open if they are only used by permanent residents)
- Nightclubs
Face masks
If you are:
- in an impacted area, or
- have been in a South East Queensland impacted area at any time since 1am AEST 29 June 2021, or
- the Townsville or Palm Island impacted areas at any time since 6pm AEST 29 June 2021
You must carry a face mask with you at all times. You must wear a face mask at all times when you are outside your home, unless:
- you are alone in your car or with the members of your household
- you are eating or drinking
- you are at your usual workplace and can physically distance from others (except if you work in a public-facing role in a hospitality venue or are a passenger transport operator)
- you are alone outdoors or exercising alone outdoors with members of your household. If you pass others, you must put on your mask
- it is unsafe.
There are some other exceptions to wearing face masks, including for children under 12 and people with particular medical conditions or disabilities. If in doubt, wear a face mask.